
目前顯示的是 4月, 2020的文章

[UWMsth] 美國碩博士研究助理(RA)獎學金 - 薪水與合約

(有些事可能是你擔任RA一陣子後才會有的疑問,這些問題來自合約在學期間、寒、暑假略有不同) 首先先釐清名詞,Research Assistant (RA, 研究助理),在美國通常是一個「兼職」的工作,台灣的「正職」研究助理工作,在美國會稱為Research Staff 或是 Technician。通常RA都是分配給博士生擔任, 一來博士班學生能夠執行同一個計劃的時間較長,另一方面也是因為RA的機會相對不像TA那麼多。當然也有一些碩士生有機會拿到RA,我的學弟Percy在University of Kentucky念碩士就是這樣的例子,同樣的Marquette University的Communication Department,則是全部碩士生都有獎學金,像這樣的例子就鼓勵申請碩士的學生多多考慮與蒐集情報。 以下是從跟工學院負責研究生合約的行政人員信件來往詢問的重點精華: RA contract typically covers winter break but doesn't cover summer break . During semesters, you could still do "student hourly" which is extra hours.  During summer break, you do "student hourly" and the maximum is 40 hours . You will need to do check-in and out during summer break but winter break you don't . The end of check-in and out manually will end a day before your start day of RA contract There's no difference between 33% and 50% during summer student hourly job If you're a 50% RA, you won't be able to do "student hourly" durin