
目前顯示的是 5月, 2020的文章

[美國sth] COVID-19疫情下專題講座:美國移民政策的改變? (講座筆記)

(疫情當下,在美國的我們或許有些人開始擔心移民政策是否有因而變動,Jack Sung律師的講座讓大家一探究竟,值得來看一看) 2020-05-09  COVID-19 專題講座 - Immigration changes (by Jack Sung) ·        Due to social distancing, the department of  immigration may become more effective and will continue to accept new applications. However, fingerprint and interviews were temporarily canceled which means the interviews for some positions may not be necessary at this moment. ·        Trump's order will only affect the applications that had been sent out for a while and those who applied for green cards OUTSIDE the US. ·        The Department of  Labor  ( 勞工局 ) will continuously accept new applications under COVID-19. ·        COVID-19 may affect advertisements for jobs that companies may need to repost those ads to let more people see their posts. ·        Medical jobs (like nurses) may only look for local applicants due to the current situation. ·        Ph.D. students could check EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) (