
目前顯示的是 10月, 2018的文章

[留學sth] 美國工作簽證 OPT介紹與申請

(OPT是美國學位攻讀完畢後,可以合法留在美國找工作與工作的一項居留權,並非一個簽證。目前不論是否為STEM領域,一開始都是先發OPT一年,而STEM領域可以後續延長到三年) 九月參加了UWM學校國際學生辦公室(CIE/ISSS)舉辦的OPT講座,以下是來自講座中的筆記,供預計會使用到OPT的朋友們參考: 1. OPT is NOT a VISA 2. OPT includes Pre-completion OPT and Post-completion OPT. 3. To use Post-completion OPT, you need to have at least 1 year F-1 status. 4. Also, to apply Post-completion OPT MUST NOT have used 12 months of full-time CPT or more. 5. Early time to get involved in OPT: dissertation status. (Dec. 10) 6. Basically, 90 days before program completion and 60 days after program completion. 7. Don’t need a job to apply OPT (need at least 90 days to process, and typically it is 110-120 days) 8. An EAD card is issued by USCIS (after the average 90-day processing time) 9. OPT starts with 1 year period on both non-SETM/STEM 10. Since OPT starts, you have to get a job within 90 days during your first 1 year OPT period. 11. If you lose your job during the 1 year, you will have (90 – X) days sinc